How much is the Entry Fee?
$20 for men bench press, $70 for women’s fitness/physique, and $70 for men and women bodybuilding.
What is the Entry Deadline?
Please submit your entry asap, after August 22, 2014 there is a $50.00 late fee. You may enter until August 26, 2014.
What are the weight groups for Men’s Bench Press and bodybuilding?
Lightweight < 165.25 Middleweight 165.25 – 187.25 Heavyweight >187.25
How long will each show last?
Prejudging for fitness and the women/men bodybuilding starts at 9:00 am sharp and will run until about 1:30 pm (women followed by men)
Men’s Bench Press starts after the prejudging at about 2:00 pm
Finals for the fitness and women/ men’s bodybuilding start at 6:30 pm sharp and should finish around 10:00 pm
Do we have to stay at the venue the whole time?
No, for prejudging once you have gone on stage for all classes entered, you are free to go. For the night show you do not have to stay after you have been on stage except if you win your class and are going to be in the pose down to determine the overall champions.
Subject to change & you are responsible for being ready when your division is called.
How long does my posing music need to be?
Bodybuilding up to 90 seconds
Fitness up to 2 minutes
Will there be a meeting before the event for contestants?
Yes, all contestants are required to attend this meeting to turn in your music CD, to be weighed and to go over the show’s information and requirements. This meeting will be held at the Trussville Civic Center on Friday, September 5, 2014 at 7:00 pm in room #102.
We recommend that you test the disc to be sure that it plays on a standard CD player & it is always a good idea to have a backup just in case. Each competitor is responsible for picking up their music on the critique table after the night show. The lyrics must not contain any racial, vulgar, or sexual connotations.
Do I have to wear my suit/trunks to the athletes meeting?
Bodybuilder: must wear their suits at the athletes meeting September 5, 2014 at 7:00 pm to be checked. Trunks must be solid color for prejudging- no multicolor suits allowed at prejudging. Only a wedding ring is allowed for jewelry at prejudging.
Jewelry may be worn at night show- think tasteful. Mens bodybuilding: Must wear their shorts at the athletes meeting September 5, 2014 to be checked by officials. Suits must be just above the knee in length and can be one inch below belly button. Only manufacturers’ logos accepted
Fitness, figure, and bikini: Contest posing suits (two-piece) for am prejudging must be worn to the athletes meeting September 5, 2014 at 7:00 pm
The bottom of the suit should be in good taste not too low in front and covering about 50% of the gluteus area (bring a second suit with a more modest bottom, just in case).
Bikini suits should be “off the rack” types. Thong suits are not allowed. Competitors must wear high heels in the swimwear round and athletic shoes in the fitness routine. Jewelry may be worn (think tasteful). You should bring a second suit in case there are questions about a suit style or some other mishap occurs, whether for bodybuilding, physique, fitness, figure, or bikini. Emphasis is on “tasteful”.
Is an NPC card required for this show?
No. This first annual Trussville Muscle & Fitness Classic do not require membership.
Where is the Hosting Hotel?
Courtyard Marriott Trussville
3665 Roosevelt Boulevard
Trussville, AL 35235
Special Group Rates good through 8/15/14
Will I be able to bring food or drinks into the show venue?
The Trussville Civic Center does not allow food or drinks to be brought into the theater. Vendors will be on site.
Can I bring my trainer to the pump up/preparation room?
One trainer is allowed in this room.
Are personal cameras allowed at the show?
Cameras are allowed. No professional video cameras unless approved by Samuel Jones
What are the poses that I will be judged on?
Bodybuilding mandatory poses: Front Double Bicep, Front Lat Spread, Side Chest and Bicep (either side), Side Tricep (either side), Back Double Bicep, Back Lat Spread, Front Abs and Leg, Most Muscular (men), and Favorite Pose (women). Quarter turns at center stage with optional pose of hand on hip or in pocket. No lewd acts are permitted and will result in disqualification
The fitness swimsuit round and figure: Model and quarter turns at center stage. For fitness routine there are four mandatory moves: push-up (of any kind), straddle hold, side split, and high kick. The fitness routine will be performed and scored at the night show (finals) only.
Bikini: model walk to center stage, front stance with hand on hip, full turn to a back stance with hand on hip, and return to front stance. The length of time will be ten seconds. No lewd acts are permitted and will result in disqualification.
Can we bring food or alcohol back stage?
NO ALCOHOL is allowed on the premises. If you appear to have been drinking or are intoxicated, at the discretion of the show’s promoter/officials, you may be disqualified & asked to leave the venue. You may bring food & beverages backstage but please clean up after yourself & be respectful of others.
Will pump up equipment be available?
Yes. Keep in mind there will many competitors so it is always a good idea to bring your own bands etc. Please make sure your name is clearly marked on your equipment.
Can we bring noise makers , signs , banner s etc to cheer on the competitors ?
Absolutely! The competitors have worked hard for this… make them feel appreciated!
What are the meetings that I have to be at as a competitor ?
Athletes Meeting: Friday, September 5, 2014 at the Trussville Civic Center (check monitor & signage for room assignment) at 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Athletes Check -In: Saturday, September 6, 2014, 8:00 am at the Trussville Civic Center ( fans enter at 8:30 am show starts at 9:00 am sharp till about 1:30 pm, Bench press competition starts at about 2:00 pm. Evening show athletes PM Arrival: Saturday, September 6, 5:00 pm at Trussville Civic Center, fans enter at 5:30 pm and show start at 6:30 pm